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Vacation vs. Travel... doesn't matter. Just GO!

Well, it's been a MINUTE! I told myself I was going to blog once a week. But here I am, months later, FINALLY getting out a new post. Eh, life - and motivation, or lack thereof - get in the way.

I hear people say they want to travel. But then it's followed with "my toes in the sand and a

drink in my hand." Um, no... that's called a vacation! Sure, the period in which you choose to leave your home and visit (aka travel) elsewhere is called a vacation or holiday. But it's what you do during that time period that makes it a VACATION or a TRAVEL experience.

Vacations can be something you do on the cheap or blow-it-all-out luxury. Somewhere you go to relax. Do whatever suits your budget and lifestyle.

Doesn't matter... just do it!

Even if it's simply driving two hours to get to your local beach for a few days. YOU DESERVE IT! Your family deserves the re-connection and light-hearted fun AWAY from the stress and pressures of everyday life. But at least GET OUT OF YOUR OWN HOUSE for a few days.

The laundry and dust will wait for you. I promise.

True traveling, on the other hand... believe it or not, many people have no desire to travel. Zero. Some people never even leave their home state. Maybe it's fear or anxiety. Or lack of money or a medical issue. Or family circumstances. If that's OK with you, that's really all that matters. But I do recommend pushing your boundaries and getting rid of those limiting beliefs that hold you back. They say,

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

And I believe it. Traveling is the ultimate road to non-monetary riches. A non-negotiable pillar of who I am and who I want to be.

Alas, it's almost impossible for me to plan, because I want to go to ALL OF THE PLACES!

And with SIX people in my family - four kids ranging from 21 to 12 - it is near impossible to plan on the fly, within a budget (it's true; money does NOT grow on trees), and at a time that is agreeable to everyone's schedule. I know I'm not alone in this. It's frustrating. There are roadblocks at every turn.

But I am undeterred. It will happen. Eventually.

Don't get me wrong. We've been to some incredible places already. But I'm just getting started. My visions of exploring hidden villages of Europe, taking in the glorious foreign landscapes, and connecting with friendly locals are what keep my eyes on the bigger prize. Until then, it's

toes in the sand and a drink in my hand.


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