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Experience the magic...

If you happened to read my very first blog post, you'd probably guess that I'm a huge supporter of experiences over physical gifts. I didn't always think that way. There was a time

Man carrying stacked gifts for Christmas

when I thought my kids needed to have EVERY.FREAKING.THING. in a brand line of products.

Maybe it was because I wasn't particularly spoiled as a kid and thought my kids needed MORE. Despite my parents working really, really hard for necessities, I know that Christmas was sometimes a sacrifice for them. Or maybe they just knew the secret. I was not inundated with stuff. EVERY.SINGLE.GIFT was a curated and heartfelt statement. I could recall most of them to this very day.

The rest of my BEST memories were small trips here and there that left a big impact.

Read that again.

Shelves bursting with kids toys.

Parents and Grandparents: Your children and grandchildren probably have enough crap! The entire home does not need to be filled with toys to keep them entertained. Bigger is not always better. Time spent TOGETHER is where the magic happens. Put your foot down, and break the cycle of giving STUFF. Spoil them with life-enriching opportunities instead!

Imagine if you gifted them ONE thing they've been talking about for months and filled the rest out with an experience instead of a bunch of last-minute gifts that you THOUGHT they would like. Things that may get played with for a few days, or even mere hours, and then put with the other toys they just HAD to have. But NEVER touch.

Oh, how I wish I would have taken the cash option on all those Christmas lists I made for our

Money saved in a jar.

kids over the years. Saved it up for something SPECIAL. It would surely have covered a vacation or two. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

In the past, we've gifted Kalahari trips, ironworks classes, tickets to the theater, movie passes, rock climbing, bed and breakfasts, date night dinners, and zoo passes, just to name a few. Your local Groupon can be a fantastic and economical way to find such treasures.

The point is, the gift of an experience creates anticipation and excitement. The memories created last much longer than the enjoyment of most physical gifts.

Beach bag filled with vacation clothes.

If you are in the market for something BIG, like a vacation, check out our website and schedule a complimentary consultation. We will be more than happy to make you the coolest gift-givers on the planet! We ask a bunch of questions so that we can get to the core of your ideal vacation. And customer care is our top priority.

Take the trip. Fall in love.


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