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Don't do this in the Caribbean! And other reasons why you need a travel agent.

Updated: Jan 15

FUN FACT: Did you know that wearing camo in some parts of the Caribbean is outlawed?

Well, now you do! But what else don't you know, and are you willing to risk it? If you're not willing to invest the time into finding out the down and dirty nitty-gritty, enlisting the expertise of a travel agent may be just the thing you need.

gorgeous blue water and stunning white sand beach.

So, what constitutes an expert? An expert is someone who has mastered their craft and has extensive knowledge on a particular topic, usually knowledge that extends well beyond public understanding.

Travel has become such a complex beast - have you seen the strikes in Europe lately? - that it requires expertise on multiple levels. This is where travel advisors come in. Advisors have taken the time and effort to master their trade, even while the information is ever-changing.

child pointing out countries on a vintage globe.

There are many things beyond public knowledge that are necessary to know, which means that travel advisors know things that you aren’t even aware you need to know about travel. Here are five things that advisors are well-versed in and ready to assist you with when it comes to all things travel.

#1: Time versus Money

There is a delicate balance that should be met between time and money. It is easy to spend

sands of time

(dare we say, waste) too much time researching and planning travel on your own. It is estimated that people planning their own travel can eat up 10-20 hours! When it comes to money, the same is true ... it’s easy to spend more money than is necessary because you aren’t even aware of where or how to spend it. When you invest in the work of an advisor, you’ll gain back precious time, and they will be able to get you the most bang for your buck.

#2: Risk versus Reward

This is a dangerous balance! Some things are simply not worth the risk, so why even chance it? Travelers love the idea of getting great rewards when traveling (like saving money on air tickets, but at the cost of canceled flights, missing layovers, and too many other risks). Travel experts know when and how to take the appropriate action, always balancing risk and reward to get you the best experience possible.

#3: DIY versus VIP

mapping out a plan

Then there are the do-it-yourselfers. No one is questioning their ability to create a cool trip or stick to a budget, but at what cost? I can often secure extra benefits through Virtuoso, such as free breakfast at a hotel that typically doesn't offer it or specialty dining on a cruise, all while creating a cool trip and sticking to the budget. It’s all about who you know! And you know a great travel advisor... me! Do you really want to spend hours upon hours looking for just right resort or cruise line and then end up disappointed because you didn't know something about your choice that puts a damper on your vacation? Here's a secret for you. Agents have these little networks and have the incredibly valuable information at their fingertips! They are the opinions of well-seasoned agents, not random people on the internet. PS I like to DIY... that's why I became a travel agent. It was a bit eye-opening!

#4: Suggestions versus Requirements

This is a tough lesson that we hope you never have to learn. Perhaps a friend or an internet search told you certain paperwork or testing is a suggestion… but what happens when it turns out to be a requirement? Part of the job of a travel advisor is to know the difference between the two as it applies to your trip! Don’t guess: be certain!

#5: Customs and Nuances

girl pointing out something in the distance

Let's circle back to that camo issue I mentioned earlier. This is something I didn't know until I became an advisor. And I've been to the Caribbean a few times. Thankfully, our family doesn't typically wear camo, but many people do. Things like pointing with your index finger, burping during your meal, and even making small-talk with people can be viewed quite differently across many cultures. Do you want to be viewed as an unsavory American? I know I don't.

When in Rome... as the saying goes!

All in all, there is simply too much to consider and too much information to know. It’s okay, trust us! We’re here to make sense of it all, then translate it into your perfect vacation experience.

Take the Trip. Fall in Love.



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