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Busy moms... I SEE YOU! Let us help.

Listen, I have FOUR kids. All boys. And a husband. And a house. And...

They are my world.

Youth baseball players.

When they were little, there were not enough hours in the day. School drop-off, pick-up, laundry for six, meal planning, grocery shopping, cleaning, school events, homework, soccer practice, baseball practice, games, sometimes three of the kids going in three different directions at the same time, dinner... I'm exhausted just thinking back.

And If any of you have kids in travel or club ANYTHING, those duties go into the summer as well. I know you feel me on a deeper level. Sports have many benefits, don't get me wrong. We signed up for it, and it kept them engaged and healthy.

But I won't lie. It did take time away from us spending time together as a complete family.

Busy mom organizing a schedule on a calendar.

There were several years where we literally had a week and a half during the entire year where we could all vacation together.

They made great memories and friends, and, for that, I am grateful. And thank goodness I have a partner who does it 100% better than me. Most of it, anyway ;)

They're a bit older now: 20, 18, 16, and 11. We aren't running nearly as much. I miss it, but I also wouldn't go back without a clone to do the actual running back and forth. I'd go back for the little kid snuggles, the co-sleeping, the innocence, the giggles, and seeing their ah-ha moments when they figure stuff out. But not for the running around. That's the ugly time-suck.

All that running around left us with very little time to plan something SO important, European Union countries dedicate an entire month to it. By law. And it's AT LEAST four

Empty European street.

weeks. VACATION (aka Holiday). America, take notes!

Thank goodness that's my jam, or we probably wouldn't have gone anywhere. We made the most of local getaways, with a few epic vacations sprinkled in. The perfect mix.

Researching vacations can be overwhelming and insanely time consuming. I can only assume that this is why many people go to the same place year after year. It's easy. Even if you really want a different experience.

This is where I come to the rescue. Been there. Done that. AND I LOVE IT.

Busy man checking his watch.

Feeling strapped for time and full of indecision regarding your family vacation? Reach out to Trip & Fall Travel or your favorite travel agent (also me). Let us do the research based on your specific requirements. Spend your valuable time with your family, not stressing over your trip.

We are at your service.

Take the trip. Fall in love.


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